quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2009

Alterando a impressora padrão no windows

Procedure SetDefaultPrinter;
Device : array[0..cchDeviceName] of char;
Driver : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
DriverPort : string;
Port : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
hDMode : THandle;
s : array[0..64] of char;
WinIni : TIniFile;
WinIniFileName : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
if PrinterSetupDialog.Execute then
Printer.GetPrinter(@Device, @Driver, @Port, hDMode);

// For some reason "Driver" is never defined here by GetPrinter.
// Let's get "Driver,Port" from the Win.INI file "Devices" section
GetWindowsDirectory(WinIniFileName, SizeOf(WinIniFileName));
StrCat(WinIniFileName, 'win.ini');
WinIni := TIniFile.Create(WinIniFileName);

// Lookup Driver,Port in INI file "Devices" section
DriverPort := WinIni.ReadString('devices', Device, '');

// Update INI "Windows" section -- this is the Windows default printer
WinIni.WriteString('windows', 'device', Device + ',' + DriverPort)
end; // try

// Flush INI cache
WritePrivateProfileString(NIL, NIL, NIL, WinIniFileName);

// Broadcast system wide message about win.ini change
s := 'windows';
SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_WININICHANGE,0, Cardinal(@s));
end; // if PrinterSetupDialog.Execute
end; // SetDefaultPrinter

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